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Updated: May 26, 2020

1. Data analytics now gets massive respect.

The last 10 years have been all about generating endless data, the more the better, of all new types and at an intimidating global scale. But now enterprises of all sizes have plenty of data. What they don’t always have is useful insights into what it all means and how it should influence their next steps.

2. Buyer roadmaps have taken over.

A combination of better segmentation, more advanced technology and market research means that more organizations understand, in detail, how strangers could become buyers. And this pathway to purchase is becoming the all-consuming focus for many marketing organizations.

3. Engagement is now valued over reach.

Used to be that social media followers, likes, shares and all that were the ultimate metric. And they’re a great start. But today marketers demand engagement—true engagement by qualified buyers that ultimately leads to conversion. The optics are no longer enough.

4. Interaction is being further minimized.

Savvy marketers have been looking for ways to employ smart marketing to streamline the sales cycle for decades. But in a post-Coronavirus world, this need to use automated and remote tools to convert with minimal human interaction has accelerated tremendously.

5. Video content continues its domination.

Use brain for word bad. Talk right at face. Make pretty show so buyer no think. We jest, but YouTube video consumption does grows 100 percent annually and a third of all time spent online is spent watching videos. In fact, 59% of all company decision makers would rather watch a video or read an article about something.

6. “Digital agencies” used to be a thing.

Used to be we had conventional marketing, advertising and design firms—then specialists in digital media. Now they’re just called agencies, as digital experiences permeate most buying segments. The ones who didn’t adapt are simply gone, or living off of fading, old school accounts.

7. The work/life divide has blurred.

People talk about work/life balance, but they rarely unplug when at home or even on vacation. We’re not saying this is healthy or fair, but it is true. So leading buyers to conversion and retention demands considering their life outside of work as well.

8. Brands are taking a political stance.

The world, and the United States is no exception, has become more politicized over the years. Many brands are choosing to take a stand across the political spectrum in a way that grows their bottom-line outlook. This is less about ideology and more about the profitability of core market psychographics.

9. Search has gotten ever more sophisticated.

Over the last 10 years, Google has retained and increased its stranglehold on search, evolving organic search algorithms and developing more options for paid engagement. There are more local and regional targeting opportunities, and search within social platforms has taken segmentation to the next level.

10. AR, VR and voice are making people money.

These technologies have been around for years to much fanfare. But now they’re actually being leveraged to make brands real money. In the last 10 years, these technologies have gone from things we know are possible to logical and engaging parts of creative concepting and channel strategies.

11. Collaboration is increasing all around.

Ten years ago, the line between in-house departments, agencies and consultants were much more distinct. Today we’re seeing the increasingly organic formation of teams built around an initiatives—based on specialized capabilities and efficiency focused on results first.

12. Text is now on the table.

Back when they were the size of bread loaves, mobile phones were sacrosanct. And when text became popular, it was largely not an option for marketers because it created additional charges and annoyed people. But if used widely and in alignment with customer goals, it can be a valuable marketing tool.



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